Hearing the words "you have cancer..." was the most shocking moment of my life.
Am I hearing this right?" "There is no way they are saying this to me." "This isn't supposed to be happening" are just a few of the panicked thoughts racing through my mind.
After going through the ultrasound, mammogram, and biopsy process, I thought there was no way the results would actually come back as cancerous. It was all just going to be a silly scare; however, the results were real and my life was about to change.
I was sitting at work at 10:30 on a Friday when I got a call from the radiology office. The voice on the other end was comforting and sympathetic as she explained I had a positive biopsy result in the tumor in my left breast. The world stopped. I began to shake and beg my brain for a thought. I had a pit in my stomach like never before. The words did not seem real and I had no idea what they truly meant.
Within 2 hours of the phone call I was sitting with the Oncologist as he explained my diagnosis. Stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. He explained I would be undergoing 4-5 months of chemotherapy, surgery, and potentially radiation. He was speaking to me; however, I could not grasp that he was actually talking about ME. After a few hours of diagnosis explanation, treatment plan conversation, and breaking down into tears... it was time to go home.
I woke up the next morning thinking it had been a dream. I forgot I had cancer. The only way to face my reality was to read the doctor reports from the Oncologist Office.
It was real. It is real. I have Breast Cancer.
I am ready to fight this disease affecting so many. I am ready to be a supporter of others in similar situations. I am ready for the ups, downs, and the in betweens.
I am ready to kick cancer's ass.
Hello! Sending you warm hugs and chocolate chip cookies. I believe everyone feels better with chocolate chip cookies. Sometimes a really special Disney movie is also a game changer. Stay strong... express your self and do things that warm your heart. 😘
I love the double f you! You are your mommas daughter and will kick its ass! (Moms Immaculata friend).
You’ve got this Eli!!! And we’re ready to throw you a big “I kicked cancer’s ass” party for you here in Charleston. You kick it and Jenn and Alex will plan it💞
Hello sweet girl. If you remember the 8 year old Eli... believed... Girls Rule... you’ll bet this with dignity and fight the fight. You will be a survivor and kick cancers butt.